Galka’s Insurgent seabed archive: curating seabed memories

Looking forward to seeing Jonathan Galka’s project “Insurgent seabed archive: curating seabed memories” in person. A collection of objects, ephemera, texts and memories collected from oceanic thinkers and practitioners. I was fortunate to contribute some bits and bobs, including a Tucson Aquatic Enthusiast Society patch and some seabed mining lino cut prints.

Find dates & hours for the two-part exhibition as part of Climate Crisis and Cultural Loss at:

TBA21–Academy’s Ocean Space in Venice, Italy, and

Nanyang Technological University ADM Gallery, Singapore,

Read more about Insurgent seabed archive

“How is the ocean remembered? What is saved that recalls those memories? What might it mean to make not only more, but better, archives of ocean history? And how, with those diverse archives, might we develop better accounts of the ocean that speak to social and environmental change in its situated manifestations?”

Some images shared from the two exhibits:


Ocean Space: